At the front
At the front

at the front

We have our own factory on site which produces about two hundred products, and over a thousand other items are contracted with companies in the USA, China, Germany, India, Pakistan, Belgium and England. For nearly 30 years, we have supplied reenactors, films, costume houses, veterans, military and government historical projects as well as people who simply like vintage clothing and accessories. That said, we only carry items worn by the German military forces- we do NOT and will not carry NSDAP uniforms, swasteeka arm bands, political literature, death camp items etc.Īt the Front is a company located in central Kentucky, specializing in recreating clothing and equipment worn by soldiers in the Second World War. Perhaps consider it "Call of Duty" come to life. We supply the Indians as well as the cavalry. Custer and his cutthroats so the native Americans have someone to fight. Remember, you can't have a battle with just the good guys. As for the naughty symbols scattered about, the outfits in this hobby are all about historical authenticity- and every German soldier had several offensive bits of insignia on his uniform. My wife calls it "Trekkies with guns".) Most participants portray American or German soldiers, but all combatant nations have been represented at one time or another. (It's normally called reenacting, living history, saving history, or honoring veterans but, in layman's terms, it's a bunch of guys playing war. Since the mid-70's, several thousand quirky individuals have been dressing up in WWII uniforms and playing war. A large segment of our market is reenactors. Additionally, many vintage garment enthusiasts also use our products. We supply most of the costume and production companies around the world with WWII uniforms and gear, as well as numerous museums and theater companies. The nature of our business is history and entertainment industry. Although I'm sure a few of those people have purchased some of our products- that's not what we're about.

at the front

We aren't associated with any sort of dime store natzee/ white power/ trailer park fascism bullshit. For once, it's not what it appears to be. First and foremost, for those who have just happened upon our website and may be horrified on some level or another with the "hate" items on the site, don't have a seizure.

At the front