Torchlight 2 augmented weapon
Torchlight 2 augmented weapon

torchlight 2 augmented weapon

#Torchlight 2 augmented weapon update

Since the last update I added a point to my 7 main skills. Even as a tank Lorzate is able to do 10000+ critical hits to the monsters. I just banked my Charges while using Ember Hammer for high damage. For a large part of it, I didn’t even need to use Forcefield. With these improvements I felt pretty strong all through Act 4. I was not lucky in finding those stats but ended up finding a few high Armor items with Health. So I started gambling for a good unique or even rare with Strength or Vitality. I really needed to improve my Armor and Health but just wasn’t finding any items with high (30+) Strength or Vitality on them. How this came about was through upgrading items, more like side-grades. Even Lorzate’s block chance went up a little bit. Health and Armor both went up above 40%, massive increases at this stage of the game. Since I am going for a tank, that’s all I care about. It looks like Lorzate’s stats all went down until you get to the defensive stats. Part of that could be from doing two acts instead of one. In total, over 20 unique items were found, though a good 25% of them were gems.

torchlight 2 augmented weapon

I still didn’t have much luck getting replacement items for Lorzate from drops, but a little bit of gambling got him 3 upgrades. None of the bosses offered any challenge.

torchlight 2 augmented weapon

After replacing a bunch of gear, Act 4 was a breeze. Act 3 started out somewhat difficult, but go easier by the end. It starts at level 81, but Lorzate is already level 83. With Act 3 and 4 finished, Lorzate is into NG++.

Torchlight 2 augmented weapon